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Casa Castillo

2019/10/28  浏览次数:

In 1941, it is when Mr Jose Sanchez-Cerezo acquires the “Propiedad Viticola Casa Castillo” for development of rosemary. In the property was a winery built in 1870 by French people. Is in 1985 when the second generation of the family (Mr Nemesio and his son Jose Ma Vicente) starts with a new project with the reconstruction of the vineyard and with the introduction of new varieties. In 1991 the wine cellar was reformed preserving the original structure. Our first wine was launched to the market in 1993 as “Casa Castillo Crianza 1991”. At present Jose Ma Vicente manages the
"Propiedad Vitícola Casa Castillo.
1941年,何塞·桑切斯-切雷索先生买下了 “卡斯蒂 城堡农庄”用来发展他自己的迷迭香种植产业。在这 所农庄里,有一幢建于1870年的酒窖,由当时这里的 法国人所建。1985年,家族的第二代传人(内梅西奥 和他的儿子何塞·玛利亚·文森特)开始了一项新的 计划。他们在这里种植了葡萄园,并引进新的葡萄品 种。1991年,酒窖在保持原有结构的基础上进行了翻 新。随后在1993年,他们发行了酒庄的第一款酒——卡斯蒂城堡佳酿1991年份。目前,何塞·玛利亚·文 森特,负责整个酒庄的管理和运营。

The Propiedad Vitícola Casa Castillo is a family country property devoted to growing of a 174 hectares (432 acres) vineyard, and the elaboration of the whole fruit production at the family wine cellar. This region, known as “El Altiplano de Jumilla” (Jumilla High Plateau), enjoys a continental climate milded by the proximity of the Mediterranean Sea.
卡斯蒂城堡酒庄由家族完全拥有,目前种植了174公顷 的葡萄园,所有酒庄酿酒葡萄都来自于自家葡萄园。 酒庄所处的地区被称为“胡米亚高地“,属于大陆性气候,但也会受到些许地中海的影响。种植的葡萄品 种有土生土长的慕合怀特葡萄,以及歌海娜、西拉、 赤霞珠等葡萄,都非常适应当地的气候条件,生长良好。

地址:上海市静安区长乐路672弄14号1楼电话:+86-181 1615

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